CVC Internet, LLC

On Sale - Super Savers on Domain Name Registrations
Take Advantage of these Domain Name Registration Super Savers!
For a limited time, Save Big on these popular domain name registrations. 
Don't wait, with these amazing prices you don't want to miss out on this sale. 


Offer Good Until October 6th!

.com and .net - Domain Name Registrations:  Only $9.86 a year!

Offer is valid for new 1 year to 10 years domain name registration.  This special offer is for new CVC Internet web hosting members only.

Terms and conditions apply

.asia domain name registrations Offer Good Until October 6th!

.asia (Asian websites) - Domain Name Registration: Free 2 GB's Memory Stick!

Offer is valid for "new" 2 to 10 years domain name registration, offer does not apply to renewals or transferred domain name registrations. This special offer is for new CVC Internet web hosting members only. 

Terms and conditions apply


To reserve a domain name registration or for any questions you may have about these service promotions,
please contact CVC Internet, LLC at or call (541) 884-5488, or stop by 2250 So. 6th St. in Klamath Falls.

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Copyright © 1996-2009, CVC Internet, LLC.  All rights reserved.  E-mail: / Phone: 541-884-5488 / Terms of Service / Certain names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases on this site may constitute trademarks, service marks or trade names of CVC Internet, LLC., or other entities which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.