CVC Internet Help Guide

Resetting Outlook 2002
Configurations for CVC Internet

Please Note: These instructions are for users
who have experience setting up software programs.

If you notice a difference in setup windows, please take the general 
information listed below and apply them in the appropriate windows.




If an account has already been set up use this method to "reset" your Email Account.


1.) Open Outlook. In the Outlook window, click on the "Tools" menu (located at the top of the Outlook window) and select "Email Accounts" (example screen below). 
Resetting Outlook 2002 for CVC Internet




2.) In the next screen "Email Accounts", select "View or change existing e-mail accounts" in the "E-mail" section (example screen below), then click the "Next" button.
Resetting Outlook 2002 for CVC Internet




3.) In the next screen "Email Accounts", if another account is in the "Name/Type" field that is not being used, or if you are "resetting" your account in Outlook, click on the "Remove" button, then click "Add".

Please Note: If you wish to keep the current account shown in the "Name/Type" field and add a secondary e-mail account, disregard the "Remove" button and only click on the "Add" button.
Resetting Outlook 2002 for CVC Internet


4.) In the "Server Type" screen, select "POP3", then click on the "Next" button (example screen shown below).
Resetting Outlook 2002 for CVC Internet



5.) In the "Internet E-mail Settings (POP3)" screen, enter the following (sample screen below):

  •  "User Information, Your Name" field, enter: your real name or business name.

  •  "User Information, E-mail Address" field, enter: your CVC Internet e-mail address (example - Make sure to enter the address with no spaces and in the character case assigned to your account - such as all lowercase.

  • "Server Information, Incoming mail server (POP3)" field, enter: (lowercase, no spaces).

  • "Server Information, Outgoing mail server (SMTP)" field, enter: (lowercase, no spaces).

  • "Logon Information, User Name" field, enter: your CVC Internet user name (do not enter your e-mail address, and make sure to enter the name in the character case assigned to your account - such as all lowercase).

  • "Logon Information, Password" field, enter: your CVC Internet password (make sure to enter the name in the character case assigned to your account - such as all lowercase).

After these settings are complete, click the "Next" button.
Resetting Outlook 2002 for CVC Internet



6.) In the "Email Accounts" screen, your "Name/Type" field, should be shown for the "Name" and POP/SMTP (Default) should be shown for the "Type" (sample screen below).

Please Note - Regarding multiple mail accounts: If your CVC Internet mailbox is a secondary mailbox, (default) will show for the first account in the "Name" field.  To change the default setting from the first mailbox to the second mail account, click on the second "Name" and then click on "Set as Default".

After checking these settings, click on the "Finish" button. 

Your done!  For information on using e-mail, please refer to the "Help Menu" located within the software program.
Resetting Outlook 2002 for CVC Internet

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